
Short Bio..

I am a researcher in robotics and machine vision with a proven track record in the manufacturing industry. My expertise lies in the fields of Robotics and AI, specifically in vision-guided robotic control (visual servoing), machine vision, and human-robot interaction. My research is focused on integrating cutting-edge image processing and AI methodologies with robust control algorithms to enable autonomous robotic manipulation, ensuring high levels of reliability in industrial settings. I earned my Ph.D. degree in automatic control, specializing in computer vision and visual servoing for robotic manipulation, from the University of Franche-Comté in Besançon, France. Additionally, I hold a master's degree in robotics and intelligent systems from Örebro University in Sweden.
Along with Rustam Stolkin and Maxime Adjigble, I co-founded the Extreme Robotics Lab at the University of Birmingham in 2018. This state-of-the-art facility is currently one of the largest, newest, and most well-equipped robotics research centers in the UK. Prior to this, I worked as a Robot Vision Scientist at KUKA Robotics UK Ltd., a global leader in industrial robots. My drive as a researcher stems from a genuine passion for scientifically solving robotic challenges using computer vision, coupled with a strong enthusiasm for witnessing its practical applications and broader impact. The model-free and learning-free grasp planner, developed at the Extreme Robotics Lab, has garnered significant recognition for its ability to manipulate individual objects as well as objects in a heap. It was also prominently featured in the BBC news. Furthermore, my work on vision-guided semi-autonomous laser cutting of nuclear waste objects has been licensed to the UK nuclear industry, marking a historic milestone as the first-ever deployment of an autonomous robot in a safety-critical environment. More detailed information about me and my research can be found below.

Research Projects

Awards & Honours

Events Organised

Research (Co-)Supervision and Examiner Activities


M.Sc. / Intern

Ph.D. Examiner

Familiar Technologies


Major APIs:

Tools & frameworks:

Robot Platforms: